Exposition temporaire "CONTER LE VIVANT" du photographe William Boffy

PREMANON | From 14 Dec To 31 Mar

Chèques vacances acceptés

In this photographic account by a computer scientist in the French Southern Territories, William Boffy takes you on a journey to the far south, to the Kerguelen archipelago, behind the scenes of a naturalist expedition where, in the heart of the Roaring Forties, the emblematic albatrosses and king penguins rub shoulders with surprising plant species such as the Kerguelen cabbage.
The icy territories at the ends of the earth are home to a huge diversity of life. Today, these regions are undergoing profound changes due to the unreasonable exploitation of the planet's resources by human beings. Every month, new scientific publications alert us a little more to the irreversible degradation of the ice and living resources in the Arctic and Antarctic. The figures and percentages are shocking and then forgotten. So how do we show the beauty that is lost with each new study published, and finally how do we explain where these figures come from?

Closed from 12.30pm to 2pm and on Monday mornings, except during the winter holidays. Admission to the exhibition is included in the museum ticket.

Information: 03 39 50 80 20.


  Min Max Information(s) complementaire(s)
Other rates 0 € 8.5 € included in the museum ticket

Moyen de paiement : Credit card, Payment cards, Cheques and postal orders, Holiday vouchers, Cash, Visa

Dates and time

  • Day H.
    Monday Closed
    Tuesday Closed
    Wednesday Closed
    Thursday Closed
    Friday Closed
    Saturday Closed
    Sunday Closed

Open from 13/12/2024 to 30/03/2025 according to the EMP opening schedule.


Espace des Mondes Polaires Paul-Émile Victor
146 Rue de la Croix de la Teppe

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