L’Exercice du super héros


Both in their forties, they have accumulated thousands of hours of artistic workshops with young people in schools. Through exchanges and confidences, chance encounters and complicity, they have forged a strong and unique relationship with these teenagers. Often scarred, sometimes shaken, the two protagonists wanted to transpose these experiences into a show. On stage, we are in the classroom, immersed in one of these workshops. Taking it in turns to be student or teacher, the duo quote Musset, dance to Elvis Presley, train in boxing and talk about themselves with kindness, not without resorting to the force of derision, reminding us, in the process, that a hero lies dormant in each of us. It's a game of mirrors that brings to life the striking presence, both obvious and fragile, of these young people in the making. And you, at forty, have you become the adult you dreamed of being at seventeen?


5 Rue Lamartine

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