Maison du Parc Atelier : Tataki-Zomé

LAJOUX | LE 30 Jul

Workshop: Discover Tataki-zomé
After a brief introduction to the ecological and social impact of the clothing and textile industry, explore the area around the Maison du Parc in search of natural elements to create a plant-based print on fabric (Tataki-zomé). With advice from RécréART'tiss, you'll leave with your own freshly decorated tote-bag.

Tuesday 30 July at 2.30pm
At the Maison du Parc
Duration: 2h30
Minimum age: 8 years


  Min Max Information(s) complementaire(s)
Free of charge - -

Dates and time

    From 14h30 at 17h00

Tuesday 30 July at 2.30pm


Maison du Parc
Maison du Parc naturel régional du Haut-Jura
39310 LAJOUX

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