Maison du Parc - Balade paysagère

LAJOUX | LE 25 Jul

Maison du Parc - Landscape walk

Thursday 25 July and Tuesday 22 August at 2.30pm

Come and admire the landscape of Lajoux with a sensitive and scientific approach. This will be an opportunity to learn about the processes involved in the formation of landscapes, from their geological origins to the role played by humans in their evolution.

Leaving from the Maison du Parc
Minimum age: 5 years
Duration: 2 hours


  Min Max Information(s) complementaire(s)
Free of charge - -

Dates and time

    From 14h30 at 16h30

    From 14h30 at 16h30

Thursday 25 July at 2.30pm


Au départ de la Maison du Parc
Maison du Parc naturel régional du Haut-Jura
39310 LAJOUX

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