La fraternelle : Souad Asla


Thursday 18 July at 6.30pm at the Maison du peuple in Saint-Claude.

Souad Asla I vocals, percussion
Thierry Fournel I guitar, n'goni, backing vocals
Mohammed Menni I percussion, backing vocals
Bilal Chenni I bass, backing vocals
Rachid Belarbi I keyboards, backing vocals

Souad Asla is a leading artist of the new generation from southern Algeria, heir to the Gnawa tradition and the trances that heal the soul. Her voice takes us to the gates of the desert, while her music, rich in cross-fertilisation, carries a strong identity and a rebellious spirit that gives us a glimpse of the future.
Whether with her personal project Jawal, with the group Lemma, which she has been fronting since 2017, or more recently with Sahariennes or Les Héritières, a tribute to Cheikha Rimitti, she captivates audiences at every one of her concerts with an impressive radiance and generosity.
With her musician accomplices accompanying her on percussion, guitar, bass and keyboards, they end up becoming one with the audience.


  Min Max Information(s) complementaire(s)
Free of charge - -

Dates and time

    From 18h30 at 20h00


Maison du Peuple
12 Rue de la Poyat

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