Exposition Monture Peinture

HAUTS DE BIENNE | From 03 Jul To 31 Aug

Chèques vacances acceptés

Co-constructed by the Musée de la Lunette, the Maison du Bois Joli and the artist Agathe Robinson, the "Monture Peinture" project is part of the "Culture & Santé" scheme, subsidised by the Drac. Residents of the Maison du Bois Joli and children from the Accueil de Loisirs du Centre and the Centre Ado are presenting their painted glasses, inspired by the creations of the artist Mohror.


  Min Max Information(s) complementaire(s)
Basic rate 6
Reduced rate 5 disabled, students
Child rate 4

Moyen de paiement : Credit card, Cheques and postal orders, Holiday vouchers, Cash, Visa

Dates and time

    From 10h00 at 12h30 And From 13h30 at 18h30

From 3 July to 31 August, 10am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 6.30pm


2 Place Jean Jaurès

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