Cani rando et sulky familles


These little carts are fantastic: harnessed to the dogs, they can take the little ones along for the ride! Lightweight and easy to handle, the sulky, which can be used on carriage roads, is a delight for the little ones, who sit back and contemplate, and for the older children, who manage the carriage. After a presentation, we set off for a 1 hour 15 minute ride through the countryside. We take the time to give the dogs something to drink. At the end of the outing, the children enjoy spending time with the dogs, brushing and petting them.
Activities must be booked in advance.


  Min Max Information(s) complementaire(s)
Basic rate 39 12 years and over
child's price 29 from 1 to 11 years
Special rate 125 2 adults + 2 children under 12
Special rate 60 1 adult + 1 child (1 to 5 years) in a sulky

Dates and time

    From 09h30

    From 13h30


La Combe Arbey

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