Exposition : Brice Goyard

HAUTS DE BIENNE | From 13 Jul To 17 Aug

Drawing and illustration exhibition.

Her drawing practice was initiated by her studies in landscape architecture and "in situ, de visu" sketches, which enable her to capture a place through the line and try to reveal its essence and specific characteristics.

The practice of sketching has evolved into illustration. The illustrations are mostly based on real places, and are the result of sketches in notebooks and memories. Reality is alienated in an attempt to recreate the key elements of a moment or a landscape.

The place, then the sketch in the notebook and finally the illustrative drawing, such are the stages
of production. In notebooks, the sketch to remember, to identify the characteristic elements of the place. And the drawing stage to capture the place and keep a mental image of it.
The illustration drawing is used as a medium of restitution and is produced in several layers on sheets of transparent paper. The hand-drawn elements on tracing paper are scanned, coloured and assembled on the computer.

The Jura, the region of his childhood, Geneva and Marseille are the major places of inspiration for the drawings in this first exhibition.

Opening on Saturday 13 July at 12 noon.


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Free of charge

Dates and time

Fermeture hebdomadaire : Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

From Saturday 13 July to Saturday 17 August 2024.


Atelier d'Art Domestique
116 Rue de la République

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