Opération «Printemps Vert» : Ensemble, nettoyons la Nature !


As part of the "Printemps Vert" environmental campaign, the communes that make up the Haut-Jura Arcade Communauté (Hauts de Bienne, Morbier, Bellefontaine and Longchaumois) are joining forces for a collective effort to clean up the countryside. The aim of this initiative is to raise awareness among the local population of the importance of preserving our environment, while taking concrete action to reduce the impact of waste on our ecosystem.

In each commune, a rubbish collection is organised on different dates between April and May 2024. Teams of volunteers, made up of residents, local associations, local councillors, pupils and teachers, will take to various natural sites, parks, footpaths, town centres, villages and riverbanks to collect waste
and debris.

As well as helping to preserve our local environment, Green Spring aims to encourage sustainable practices and promote environmental education through fun and educational activities organised in leisure centres.

Local residents are invited to play an active part in this initiative by joining teams of volunteers in their own or neighbouring communes. Every gesture counts in our collective fight for a cleaner, healthier environment.

Meet up in front of the Chalet at the tourist information point for a collective clean-up.


  Min Max Information(s) complementaire(s)

Dates and time

    From 09h30 at 12h00

Saturday 04 May 2024 from 09.30am to 12pm.


Chalet point info tourisme
Route des Fontaines

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