Atelier découverte de la gemmologie autour du grenat


A gemmology workshop is an educational and practical session focusing on the study of gems. During these workshops
participants, in small groups, will have the opportunity to learn how to identify and understand the characteristics of different gemstones. Activities may include visual demonstrations, practical observation exercises and discussions on the physical and chemical properties of gems.
The aim is to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the fascinating world of gemmology. Blandine, a passionate gemmologist, will be running these workshops at La Taillerie all year round.

On the programme:

- Discover the gemmologist's tools,
- Learn how to use a 10x magnifying glass,
- Find out more about the professions surrounding gemstones,
- More specific observations of garnets,
- Discover the vast garnet family (current exhibition).

Equipment and stones provided.
Minimum: 2 people. Maximum: 4 people.
Registration :
- online at, section: news > gemmology workshops
- in shop at La Taillerie
- by telephone on 03 84 33 18 33

It is possible to book another date for a workshop of your choice.


  Min Max Information(s) complementaire(s)
Basic rate 120 Per person
Basic rate 360 Private 1/2 day

Moyen de paiement : Credit card, Cheques and postal orders, Cash

Dates and time

    From 14h00 at 17h00

    From 14h00 at 17h00

    From 14h00 at 17h00

    From 14h00 at 17h00

Tuesday 30 July, Friday 9 August, Friday 16 August, Friday 30 August 2024, from 2pm to 5pm.


La Taillerie
161 Route de la Chaux Mourant

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