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Atelier des savoir-faire : Atelier Graines d'artisans - Crée ton attrape rêve avec Violette Derboux


Skills workshop: Graines d'artisans workshop - Create your dream catcher with Violette Derboux

📅 Wednesday 19 February 2025
📍 at the Atelier des Savoir-faire, Ravilloles.

From 2pm to 3.30pm for 7 - 12 year olds and from 4pm to 5pm for 4 - 6 year olds.

Every Wednesday and Friday during the school holidays (all zones combined), craftspeople who are members of the Atelier des Savoir-faire network offer children aged 4 to 12 the chance to discover their craft. Each time, the children go home with the fruits of their labour.

Each workshop costs €10 per child, and must be booked in advance by calling 03 84 42 65 06 or emailing contact.asf@hautjurasaintclaude.fr.


  Min Max Information(s) complementaire(s)
Basic rate 10

Moyen de paiement : Credit card, Payment cards, Cheques and postal orders, Cash

Dates and time

Wednesday 19 February from 2pm to 3.30pm and from 4pm to 5pm


l'Atelier des savoir-faire
1 Grand'Rue

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