Ahimsa - Massage et Huiles Essentielles


Massage is a gentle, bodily interlude where the person can relax and unwind.
The masseuse and the person being massaged listen to the body and how it feels. The body's reactions are felt, the hands offer the right distance and an empathetic touch.
The restless mind and the tense body come into harmony and find a sense of balance.
A massage like a journey inside yourself, a body awareness, a connection or reconnection to yourself.

Massage in Morez, at home, Chez Paupotte in Prémanon.

Personalised massage, treatment with essential oils, Swedish massage (muscle tension, sports preparation and recovery), Ayurvedic massage, traditional Tibetan energy massage, cocooning massage (ADHD, elderly people, disabled people), children's massage, Reiki treatment, hot and cold stone massages, baby massage training.


Moyen de paiement : Cash, Paypal


10 Rue de l'Église

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