Parc Héria - Parc animalier du Hérisson


Langue parlée : Anglais Langue parlée : Allemand Chèques vacances acceptés

A children's farm has been set up so that families can get close to the animals, starting with the rabbits and moving on to the bison, all within the wonderful Hérisson valley. For children, animal feeding takes place in July and August, daily from 11 am to 6 pm. There is a demonstration of agility and dog dancing, and befriending sessions with dalmatians. A farmhouse auberge, sale of local produce, play area and a little acrobatic circuit in the trees.


  Min Max Information(s) complementaire(s)
Basic rate 11
child's price 9 € -
Student rate 10 € -
Free of charge - -
Large family rate 34 € 47 €

Moyen de paiement : Credit card, Payment cards, Cheques and postal orders, Holiday vouchers, Cash, Eurocard - Mastercard, Titres repas (tickets restaurant…), Visa


Lieu dit Val Dessous

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