What to visit in the surrending


Écomusée - Maison Michaud


Situated at an altitude of over 1000 m, the Michaud farm has been spanning the centuries since 1683. With 800m2 of exhibition space, immerse yourself in the life of the farmers of the Haut-Doubs and discover the ingenuity of a simple way of life with sustainable architecture. Solutions for heating...


Le Tuyé du Papy Gaby


Situated at 900 m of altitude, our tuyé is the most impressive of the region with its 18m high. A playful area will welcome you and explain what the Saugeais Republic is and tell you the story of Papy Gaby. Then you will enter our Tuyé and we will give you explanations on the artisanal production...


Musée des maquettes


Throughout his life, Marcel Yerly built, by hand, on a rudimentary workbench created by himself, around a hundred models ranging from 50 cm to 3 metres. All the mechanical parts, also made of wood and reproduced identically, work. Cars, farm machinery, locomotives, boats, motorbikes and...


La Maison de la Flore


This atypical site on nature, the environment, heritage and local know-how. The Maison de la Flore offers you to discover : > an exhibition of fresh plants, > a discovery trail in the shade of large indigenous and exotic trees, a discovery trail in the shade of large indigenous and exotic...


La fraternelle - Maison du Peuple


A century of workers' and cooperative history accessible to all! La Fraternelle" originated from a workers' circle created in Saint-Claude at the end of the 1870s, then transformed into a food cooperative in 1881. It was radically different from other cooperatives in that it provided for the full...


Maison du Parc du Haut-Jura


Located in Lajoux, the Maison du Parc is the headquarters of the Haut-Jura Regional Nature Park. Visitors will find a reception and information area, a shop and, above all, a permanent exhibition. The permanent exhibition, entitled "Haut-Jura, terre vivante" (Haut-Jura, a living land), takes you...


Le Monde des Automates


A marvellous, animated world for young and old. A collection of over 90 moving automata to discover in some thirty tableaux. Characters inspired by the Fables of Jean de La Fontaine, scenes from everyday life... Come and spend a magical moment filled with nostalgia. We look forward to welcoming you...


Musée du jouet


Once upon a time... a place to explore, to remember, to have fun, to dream, to play, thanks to a collection of 2,000 games and toys from all countries and all eras. There's a rich programme of activities for every school holiday period, as well as events and shows for all ages throughout the...


Musée de l'Espace des Mondes Polaires


Have you ever imagined yourself at the heart of the ice floe, like a polar explorer? The Espace des Mondes Polaires museum invites you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the poles and discover the riches of these fascinating regions. Opening times and prices on our website.


Musée de la Lunette


Located in Morez, the world's birthplace of eyewear, the Musée de la Lunette invites visitors to discover the history of eyewear, which began in 1796 with the manufacture of a nail. Thanks to their ingenuity and know-how, the people of the Haut-Jurassie subsequently developed a veritable...


Musée de l'Abbaye / donations Guy Bardone - René Genis


The Abbey Museum, located on the site of the former abbey of Saint-Claude, is a major cultural venue and a French museum. It houses remains from the Middle Ages and a superb collection of paintings from the 19th and 20th centuries. A real invitation to travel back in time, the museum plunges you...

L'Atelier d'Art domestique