Tuyé du Papy Gaby


Langue parlée : Anglais Langue parlée : Allemand Langue parlée : Italien T&H Moteur T&H mental T&H visuel T&H auditif

Set off to discover one of the most impressive tuyés in the Haut-Doubs region, where you'll learn about the various stages in making the famous smoked cheese and visit the drying room where the tuyé products (Cendrée, Morteau sausage, ham, etc.) are smoked. Inside the Tuyé, use all your senses to discover the secrets of how our cured meats are made. Delight your taste buds with a tasting of our products in an unusual setting. Leave with unique souvenirs and your République du Saugeais pass!

Visits possible every day without booking, open all year round.
Group visits by prior arrangement.
Length of visit: 30 min to 1 hour.
Bus and camper van parking.
Picnic area.


Moyen de paiement : Credit card, Cheques and postal orders, Cash

Dates and time

    From 09h00 at 12h00 And From 14h00 at 18h30

Open Monday to Sunday, 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 6.30pm. Fire lighting in the tuyé every Friday at 5pm from 12 July.




2 Lieu-dit Cotey
25650 GILLEY

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