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Musée de l'Abbaye - Visite guidée de l'exposition de Laurent Proux


Musée de l'Abbaye - Guided tour of the "Laurent Proux -L'arbre et la machine" exhibition

📅 Friday 21 and Friday 7 March at 3pm

During the school holidays, enjoy a guided tour of Laurent Proux's monographic exhibition, L'arbre et la machine, some of whose works were created following an artistic residency at the Musée de l'Abbaye...

This temporary exhibition features some forty paintings and engravings. It brings together the two bodies of work of Laurent Proux: the first, "the body at work", focuses on the gestures of the worker within structured work spaces. The second, "the liberated body", presents bodies freed from all constraints, merged and transformed into an ideal and flamboyant nature.

For all audiences aged 8 and over
Price €7.50 to €8.50


Musée de l'Abbaye
3 Place de l'Abbaye

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