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  • Musée de l'Abbaye - Visite guidée sous-sol archéologique

Musée de l'Abbaye - Visite guidée sous-sol archéologique


Guided tour of the archaeological subsoil

Fridays 12, 19 and 26 April at 3pm at the Abbey Museum

Discover the museum's archaeological basement. The remains of the abbey, true witnesses to the past, reveal the rich and captivating history of Saint-Claude.

Duration: 60 minutes
Ages 8 and up

Bookings: 03 84 38 12 60

Founded in the 5th century, Saint-Claude Abbey is one of the oldest in France. For almost 1300 years, a prestigious monastery developed here. The abbey museum, now located on its remains, tells its story.


Musée de l'Abbaye
3 Place de l'Abbaye

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