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Jura balades - Qi Gong


Activity: Qi Gong
Qi Gong, a Chinese energy art, involves gentle movements accompanied by appropriate breathing and targeted concentration. It brings well-being and relaxation, with therapeutic benefits for your health!

Sessions :
at St Laurent 2 Tuesdays a month. Times: 10.15am / 11.30am. Price: €9
at Fort du Plasne 2 Thursdays a month. Schedule: 10am / 11.15am. Price: €9

One course per term for learning Qi Gong.
This enables you to deepen your understanding of the postures, feel them more intensely and memorise the sequence of movements. The benefits are tenfold!
At Fort du Plasne, 4 mornings: L, M, J, V. Price: €52. Limited to 14 people.

Guolin Qi Gong for Cancer and/or Chronic Diseases. Discover adapted steps and movements during these days and half-days. One every 6 weeks. Guolin Qi Gong certification. Prices: 1/2 day €20, full day €28.
Private sessions available on request.

Summer: Gentle walks and Qi Gong, ½-day and full-day programmes. Walks accessible to all! with Qi Gong practice and discovery of regional plants. Prices: 1/2 day: €15, full day: €25.
All dates are programmed on a quarterly basis. Ask for the programme!


124 La Madone

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