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  • Cinéma de la Maison du Peuple

Cinéma de la Maison du Peuple


Three theatres classified as Art & Essai
2D & 3D screenings
room 1: 194 seats on the floor and 34 seats in the balcony
room 2: 109 seats
room 3: 58 seats

Info Prices
7,50 € normal
6 € student, job seeker, senior citizen (+60 years) and disabled person
4,50 € under 18 years old
3D session, extra charge of €2

SUBSCRIBE! Valid for 1 year from date to date, not nominative and no limit of seats per session (+ 2 € at purchase)
27.50 € 5-seat season ticket
55 € 10-seat season ticket

WORKS COUNCIL TICKETS per pack of 10 tickets
Order by email to cmpguichet@free.fr and cinema@maisondupeuple.fr
Please specify: invoicing address, Siret number, company name.

Operation Orange CINEDAY every Tuesday 1 ticket purchased = 1 free ticket
Avantage Jeunes offer (on presentation of the 19/20 coupon and the card)
1 seat purchased = 1 seat offered
Payment methods: Cash, credit cards, cheques and holiday vouchers
Pre-sale tickets at the box office (1/2 hour before the start of the film), recommended for films with high attendance


12 rue de la Poyat

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