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Via Ferrata de la Roche au Dade à Morez

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Journées Européennes du Patrimoine - Musée de la Lunette


The Musée de la Lunette welcomes you for special tours and events to mark the European Heritage Days. Come along between 10am and 6pm.

All free of charge!

On the programme:

Photo 1900 stand:
Try out our glasses, capture the moment and leave with a souvenir photo of the museum!

Museum investigation:
Who stole Mr Caseaux's glasses?

"Meet the Diabolique" with the Diabo Retro Morez Association

From 2pm to 6pm on Sunday: "The fair in 1900".


Saturday 11.00am - 12.30pm: Embroidery workshop
Give a second life to old photographs of Morez by embroidering them with colourful threads!

Saturday 16.00 - 17.30: Photomontage workshop
Try your hand at photomontage using old photographs to invent a new story.

Sunday 10.00am - 12.30pm: Visit to the town of Morez
Digital photography and cyanotype development.
(booking required; max. 12 people)

Sunday, 1.30pm - 6pm (for children): "Your town in stencil". Free access.


Saturday and Sunday.

11.30am: Flash visit Morez 1900
How did the people of Morez live in 1900? How did they get around, eat and look after themselves?

2.00 pm: Flash visit Marly
Discover Pierre Marly's incredible collection.

3.00 pm: Flash visit Morez 1900

4.30pm: Flash visit to the Morez industry
Relive the history of the world cradle of eyewear.


Musée de la Lunette
Place Jean Jaurès

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Musée de la Lunette

HAUTS DE BIENNE | More details

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