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Via Ferrata de la Roche au Dade à Morez

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  • Gîte n°G583

Gîte n°G583


Overlooking the village, this gîte located on the first floor of a large, typical Upper Jura farm in activity and surrounded by nature. It enjoys a magnificent view of the forest landscape and the fields of the farm.

Accommodation is on the first floor of the owner-occupied farm and is ideally located for winter and summer activities: in the immediate vicinity of cross-country ski trails and hiking trails. You will be able to appreciate its privileged environment for quiet or sporting holidays!

You will have the opportunity to explore the farm with the owners and watch the cows being milked.

Accommodation includes:

- a kitchen-living room including a single sofa bed

- a small bedroom with a single bed

- a double bedroom with a double bed and a single bed

- a bathroom

In summer, you will appreciate the garden furniture, the barbecue and the large spaces at your disposal.

Motorcyclists welcome.


La Chaux Mourant
La Chaux Mourant

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