L'Atelier des Savoir-Faire - Nuit des Musées


Chèques vacances acceptés

L'Atelier des Savoir-Faire - Museum Night

Saturday 18 May 2024 from 6pm to 10pm, at the Atelier des Savoir-Faire in Ravilloles.

The Atelier des Savoir-Faire is celebrating Museum Night and opening its doors to you from 6pm to 10pm.

On the programme for the evening:

- from 6pm to 7.30pm, a "light painting" workshop: an introduction to this photographic technique based on capturing light.

- from 6pm to 10pm, demonstrations of ironwork with the association "La passion de fer", and woodturning with Quentin ROBLIN, Meilleur Apprenti de France (MAF) in woodturning.

- from 8pm to 9pm, a guided tour of the Atelier des Savoir-Faire's new exhibition "Prêts, feu, créez! ". Discover the works created by over 20 craftspeople from all over France, who have used ancestral and contemporary techniques to create unique pieces that demonstrate the transformative power of fire.

There will be a snack stand selling waffles and drinks, so you can enjoy a tasty break during the evening.

Come one, come all!
Free event


Moyen de paiement : Credit card, Cheques and postal orders, Holiday vouchers, Cash


1 Grand'Rue

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