Exposition temporaire QAJAQ – Le kayak groenlandais au fil de l’eau et du temps


Chèques vacances acceptés

As if you were aboard a "qajaq" ("skin boat" in Inuktitut), come and meet the kayaking people through films, travel diaries and photographs, including those of polar kayaking guide Éric Chazal. The exhibition also follows in the footsteps of Paul-Émile Victor, who spent several winters "Eskimo among Eskimos" (now known as "Inuit") in the 1930s. In the run-up to Paris 2024, the current status of this single-seater craft is also discussed, and several kayaks are on display.

Admission to the exhibition is included in the museum ticket. Opening times and days are the same as those for the Espace des Mondes Polaires.


  Min Max Information(s) complementaire(s)
Base rate 8.5 Full price (includes access to the permanent exhibition)
Young person's rate 5.5 Includes access to the permanent exhibition
Reduced rate 7.5 Students, Carte Avantages Jeunes, Chéquier Rusé, Carte CNAS, disabled adults (includes access to the permanent exhibition)
Free 0 5th Juramusées visit, Jura Tourism ambassador card
Child rate 0
Rate for job seekers 7.5 Includes access to the permanent exhibition

Moyen de paiement : Credit card, Payment cards, Cheques and postal orders, Holiday vouchers, Cash, Visa

Dates and time

Open from 16/12/2023 to 30/09/2024 according to the opening hours and days of the Espace des Mondes Polaires.


Espace des Mondes Polaires
146 Rue de la Croix de la Teppe

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